Blog management tips✨

hey everyone, I’m Evin, and welcome or welcome back to Living the blogging life!💕✨ Today, as the title states, ill be sharing blog management tips

Pick a day, then write posts in bulk

Ever since school started again this year, I’ve had no time to sit down and work on my blog content.. that’s why, on holidays, I write a bunch of posts in bulk and then publish them whenever I need to. 

Always have a note for blog post ideas

Or, a draft in WordPress so you can look back at it if you’re ever running out of post ideas. This could either be on a notes app in your device, or ideas written down in a blogging planner.

Try to write everyday 

Even if you don’t publish a post everyday, start a new draft, or work on an unfinished post. Practice writing a post everyday, so you’ll rarely have an empty draft folder.

Schedule posts

this is a super helpful tip! After writing in bulk, I usually schedule posts a few days apart so I have at least a week’s worth of blog posts ready.

find opportunities for more content

here are a few examples:

  • Let’s say you’ve just started journaling, after a month or so, you could make a post like “i kept a journal for a month and this is how it went”
  • If you’re cooking/baking something, you could make a recipe post out of it!
  • You’ve just finished reading a book that’s been in your TBR for a long while. do a book review! 

And there are so many other posts you could write from just the things you do in your day-to-day routine😀

it’s okay to take a break 

And remember, it’s totally fine to take a break whenever you need it.  

thank you for reading! what are some ways you manage your blog? let’s talk in the comments.


  1. i love the idea of writing every day! i think the times i’ll have disconnection from blogging is because of scheduled content and not enough newly written posts. i’m gonna try writing more 😍
    thanks ev!

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