What I Use For Blogging!

Hey! Today, I am going to share with you the things I use for blogging! Some you may already use, while others may spark ideas. And if you use something that isn’t listed here, tell me about it in the comments!

I feel like I don’t have to explain……

Ok, so I use this when it is not my computer time but I have a post in mind. I pull out my notebook and write a rough draft of the post! The only bad part is that it hurts my neck leaning down to look at the notebook while typing! XD

Canva is AMAZING!!!! It is really easy to use plus it’s free!! The really annoying part is that they have hundreds of templates to choose from (and that’s not even the paid plan!). It takes forever to find exactly what you need. They do have a search bar that is really helpful! While we’re at it I’m just gonna show y’all some things I’ve made!

Those were really fun to make! Hope you liked them!!

I have to admit, Canva is a LOT better than Befunky, but when I am uploading pics from my camera and not my mom’s phone, it’s really helpful when it comes to editing them! I may occasionally use it for other things….

I use my camera and my mom’s phone to take pics. I never really use free photos unless it’s an image like a tiger. Pexels, Unsplash, and Pixabay are free image websites I will use sometimes.

Last but not least, Bitmoji!!!!!!! I use my grandma’s account, but I have my own avatar. (If you use Bitmoji you get what I mean) Then I send all the ones I want to my e-mail! XD It works. I love using Bitmojis in posts to show how I feel! I also love seeing them in your amazing posts!!

I hope you are having a good week! I also hope you are following that Wear A Mask graphic I made! XD BYE!!!

What do you use for blogging?

P.S. (This was a post on My Cozy Corner. I copied and pasted it here)


  1. I loved this post! The headings you made for it are so cool, and so are the example Canva edits! 😀 ❤ For blogging, I use my little Chromebook and my phone (for taking photos and editing them!). My favorite pic editing app is RookieCam, and I use Superimpose and Canva as well!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. OOhh awesome post, Lrose5!! Those all sound like such great websites! 😀 I may just have to check out BeFunky! I have been looking for a good photo editing website lately! 😀
    SO thanks and way to rock this, sis!
    -kaelyn 😛

    Liked by 1 person

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